Four of ATL members, received Best Paper Awards at KIEES Summer-Season Conference, Ramada Hotel, Jeju, 2020.
Let’s give big hands for their winning! Congrats!~
Prof. Byun won the Young Researcher Award (젊은연구자상) by KIEES (한국전자파학회) for his contributions to the society.
Jihyeon Mun’s paper won the Best Paper Award in Graduates’ Paper Competition at KIEES Fall-Season Conference 2019 (2019년도 한국전자파학회 추계학술대회).
Paper Title: 다중극 전개를 이용한 High-Q 센서 설계 방안 연구
Author: 문지현, Thi Hai-Yen Nguyen, 변영재, 변강일
Jongwon Yoon’s paper won the Best Paper Award in Graduates’ Paper Competition at KIEES Summer-Season Conference 2019 (2019년도 한국전자파학회 하계종합학술대회).
Paper Title: 전면방향 빔왜곡 최소화를 위한 E-Band 도파관 슬롯 배열안테나 설계
Author: 윤종원, 김영수, 안상철, 변강일
Thi Duyen Nguyen has joined in our research group, ATL, as a graduate student.
She is currently working toward her M.S. degree. We look forward to meeting other new members for greater success!
Taeho Yu (유태호) is an undergraduate student in the Department of Electronic Convergence Engineering, Kwangwoon University.
He is currently participating in the U-SURF program. We look forward to meeting other new members for greater success!
과제명: 디스플레이 집적 배열안테나 및 빔조향 기술 개발
사업명: 삼성디스플레이연구센터
지원기관: 삼성디스플레이 주식회사
Title: Research on Display-Integrated Array Antennas and Their Beamforming
Category: Industry-University Cooperation Project
Funder: Samsung Display Company
Si On You (유시온) is an undergraduate student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), UNIST.
He is currently doing his internship with us. We look forward to meeting other new members for greater success!
Jongwon Yoon’s paper won the Best Paper Award in Undergraduates’ Paper Competition at KIEES Winter-Season Conference 2019 (2019년도 한국전자파학회 동계종합학술대회).
Paper Title: 곡률형 E-Band 이중편파 도파관 슬롯 배열 안테나
Author: 윤종원, 김영수, 안상철, 변강일